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Training Content for Your Operation

Responsively Create Content With Minimal Time

Getting to Great, Custom Content

We find that training content needs to be organization and site specific to positively impact safety, quality, and efficiency of new production workers. Your workers need to be trained on your specific work instructions and processes. Unfortunately, most leaders don't have the time to develop an entire custom curriculum themselves.


Luckily, we've developed a process and platform that allows you to iterate your way to great content, while minimizing effort and wasted work. Begin the process with a learning pathway based on our suggested templates and starter content. We'll even help you get started by developing a suggested, custom Training Plan collaboratively during a Free Pilot


This initial pathway won't be comprehensive, but it serves as an initial starting point that your experts can react to. We've found that your experts are typically much better at correcting and improving existing content rather than asking them to create it from scratch in the first place.

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By managing and improving content in small chunks, and encouraging a continuous improvement mindset when it comes to training, you can make an immediate impact and then continue to improve over time. Not only does this avoid dedicating a large chunk of time to development, it also lets feedback and trainee results drive the process. We've all too often seen training that took over 6 months to make immediately become obsolete.


Our system encourages feedback from both trainees and experts, and makes it easy to quickly update content based on that feedback. 

The Responsive Development Process

New accounts start with a free pilot where a Reimagine Account Manager will work collaboratively to develop a custom Training Plan and a few custom skills. This allows you to see our process and platform in action, giving you actionable insights into how well it will work at your organization. After the pilot, you can use our Management Console to continue chipping away yourself, or our Managed Support Service to offload development.​​

The Pilot Program

Beyond the Pilot

After the pilot, you'll continue chipping away at the Training Plan, either by yourself or with our help on a Managed Support plan.


The initial goal is to get about 10-15 skills, and then start inviting initial trainees. This is a great chance to make sure you're targeting the right entry point for new people, and add some additional terms people may not know. From there, keep iterating against the Training Plan.


After developing all the content needed for the initial job role, we suggest adding content to prepare trainees for the next job, or cross-training in case they're sometimes needed in other jobs. Once the development of one job role is complete, you can create additional Pathways for other job roles.​​

Select Job Role

We'll help you pick a good job role to start on; typically an entry level job that you're actively hiring for.

Upload a Job Video

Record a video of one of your operators doing their job, along with any HR and Safety onboarding docs.

Develop a Plan

From your docs, the job video, and an initial pilot conversation, we'll develop a draft Training Plan. Example

Develop & Iterate

Reimagine will create a few custom skills, and your team can begin the responsive process to further customize and improve.

Engineer on Tablet

See for Yourself

Schedule a demo to see the platform live and ask any questions you have.

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