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Management Console

Easily Manage Content and Trainees 


The Reimagine Platform is designed from the ground-up to support fast iteration and ease-of-use. Great content cannot be perfected in a closed room, it must develop over time based on feedback and the changing needs of your business.


Because of this, editing content is fast and simple, and updates are automatically deployed to all your users. The Trainee App also makes it easy for trainees and other experts to provide feedback on areas for improvement, so you'll know what to fix.


The Management Console also makes it easy to manage users. From adding, removing, and assigning content, to monitoring trainee progress.


Content Editing

Example Pathway

Content is organized into Pathways for a specific job role. We'll start you off with a Pathway that is similar to the job role you chose. It's easy to add, remove, and re-order Skills within a pathway.

Skill Editing

Individual Skills consist of lessons and questions. You can add images, video, and text. 

Question Editing with Feedback

If a trainee provides feedback, it will show here so you can easily make updates to the content.


User Management and Progress Tracking

Easily add and remove users. You can also see detailed information about how far along a user is in their pathway, and which skills they're struggling with.

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The dashboard gives a snapshot about overall system activity and trainee progress. You can see which trainees have met their weekly training goals and provide awards.


Weekly Reports

Detailed weekly reports and activity can be automatically emailed, showing trainee progress and completions, easily importable into your QMS or other tracking solution.

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Management Console

The Management Console lets you easily manage users and their enrollments. 


It also provides insight into worker knowledge and progress through the competency dashboard. See where each trainee stands, the monthly leaderboard, a chart of at-risk trainees who haven't done training recently, and top-missed questions, which could indicate additional training is needed in a particular area.


When deciding who should do a given task, or who needs additional training, it's essential to know what skill sets your workers have. Because the Reimagine Platform is constantly measuring performance, you always have access to a real-time view of worker knowledge.


Engineer on Tablet

See for Yourself

Schedule a demo to see the platform live and ask any questions you have.

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